Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Could London Bridge Fall Down???

Ever since I can remember I had a fear of Bridges. Maybe it was the song we all learned in pre-school....but I can not be sure. Also that "take the key and lock her up part".

Anyway, back to the point, my fear of bridges usually only effects my life 1 time a year when I make our annual trip to Ocean City and have to go over the Bay Bridge. Other then that my life goes on daily without any regard for my fear.

Recently I found a new hair guy who conveniently is located 2 exits over the Bay Bridge which for all of you keeping track now brings my toll closer to 7 times crossing the Bridge yearly. One would think that I should just find a new hair person who is not over the bridge bringing my bridge encounter back to its manageable 1 time a year. But he is really that great and they serve margaritas for their Cinco de Mayo party.

Let me give you a little background about how I deal with my fear just to put it into perspective if you have never witnessed first hand. Immediately after paying the toll to go over the bridge I make sure that I am in the left lane (faster), I have my hands at the 10 and 2 position that Mr. Heisler taught me and all music and conversation is silenced. I keep my eyes straight ahead and NEVER look left, right or behind me and absolutely NEVER down at the water. The grip on my steering wheel becomes almost painful but I don't realize the pain until safely to the other side of the bridge. I also do not remember breathing the entire time either but that has not presented any problems - just an observation.

So far all of my bridge crossing experiences have been similar to above only sometimes I am the passenger and instead of gripping the wheel I just ball my fists up dig my nails into my palm leaving 4 semicircles that are about to bleed in my palm. I do prefer to drive since I feel more in control of the speed and time to get over the bridge and I don't have embarrassing unexplainable marks on my hands.

On my last trip over the bridge this past weekend coming home from the salon I experienced my first near death encounter that confirmed my fear is nothing to be taken lightly or laughed at. We were about 1/2 mile over the bridge when ahead I saw brake lights = slowing/stopping ON THE bridge. I felt my anxiety level shoot up and could feel my face turning red. As I approached the reason for the slowing traffic I saw a car broken down missing a wheel in the right lane. There was total pandemonium (in my car) and I even let out a loud scream (for help?) then pressed my accelerator to the ground thinking that I could be next, stranded on the Bridge of Death (this is real folks - Thailand; look it up). When I reached the other side of the bridge I had a moment to reflect on my near death encounter.

I started to think that there must be others out there with this same fear (besides Shauna) and did some research. I tried to find a death toll for bridge related deaths to validate my fear but could only come up statistics for suicide related deaths on bridges. Then I had a breakthrough moment and found on a medical website my diagnosis.

Fear of Bridges: An abnormal and persistent fear of bridges, especially
crossing bridges. Sufferers of this phobia experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. Phobic drivers may worry about being in an accident in busy traffic or losing control of their vehicle.

Fear of Bridges is a relatively common phobia although most people
with it do not know they have something called "gephyrophobia".

This weeks survey : Tell my what your odd fear is and does it have a fun name?


Shauna said...

I love this! As you know, i have the same irrational (but totally rational) fear as you. No one believes me about our near death experience...apparently I have the tendency to exaggerate such things...I've been compared to the boy who cried wolf. Sigh. If only Scott knew what we went through on a simple day trip to the salon...he should be flattered. Honored. Humbled. The things we do for him...

Anonymous said...

You are both nuts. My fear is of crazy people. The ones on the bridges that are so scared they cause others to lose control of their own vehicle causing a massive pile up and hours of traffic for people who are trying to get to the beach. What would that be called??? I bet when you were on your way back you weren't scared after you pounded back some cinco de mayo margaritas.

Mandie said...

So, I looked up my fear and for some reason it is not worthy of a name. I have the opposite fear of you two (well kinda opposite) -- it's of driving through tunnels. I do it twice a day to get to work, and it doesn't get much easier. If I ever were to get into an accident IN the tunnel, g-d forbid, I would leave my car and run toward the light!