Monday, April 30, 2007

Puzzling Observation....

I awake most mornings and fall asleep most nights to some type of ESPN programming. A compromise on my part if you will that allows the majority of after dinner viewing to consist of whatever reality TV show is on .

During a recent unspoken pre-compromised viewing of Sports Center where they were giving the run down of every sport that occurred over the past 24 hours and who the victor was I noticed something that caught my attention and can not stop thinking about it. Baseball coaches wear baseball player uniforms. This is odd to me. They are not expected to pinch hit or take the mound as a relief pitcher. Why do they wear the stretchy pants, jersey, hat and not to mention CLEATS!!

I racked my brain to try to figure out the reason and I began to think about what the coach does during baseball games that would justify the uniform. I am not a big baseball fan so I am not really certain of the logistics but I have attended my share of games and can recall seeing the coach sitting in the dugout and getting up for the occasional butt slapping (another blog entirely), getting up to yell at the umpire, making calls on the equally suspicious phone, and of course eating sunflower seeds. None of this activity requires stretchy pants!

In no other sport does the coach or coaching staff wear the same uniform as the players. Not Football, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, or Ice Skating.

Survey is....or rather question is, Why do baseball coaches wear the baseball uniform?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Shout Out to Stove Top

As I went back and forth looking in my pantry then back to my refrigerator then back to the pantry I spotted a box of Stove Top Stuffing making eyes at me. I thought to myself how much I enjoy Stove Top and how I never make it (and that I need to go to the grocery store).

So feeling bad for Stove Top (and the lack of other choices) I decided that Stove Top Stuffing would be my lunch. As I stood in front of the stove waiting for my water and butter mixture to come to a boil I was trying to think back to the last time that I enjoyed stuffing and figured out that it was Thanksgiving. Over 5 months ago!

Why is it that we only eat stuffing at Thanksgiving and Christmas? Wait for it....

As I put my prepared Stove Top Stuffing into a bowl and began to try and enjoy it I figured out after my second bite why we only eat it at Thanksgiving and Christmas.... stuffing is just not the same without the turkey and gravy. Stuffing without turkey and gravy is just a bowl of bread with some fancy flavor.

Here is your survey....what kind of stuffing do you like? Homemade or Stove Top?

Personally I am a Stove Top girl, my family on the other hand are lovers of my mothers homemade stuffing (bread, celery, onion, pepper, no flavor) so when I finally hosted my own Thanksgiving dinner I was sure to make them suffer with Stove Top since I suffered with homemade stuffing for all of those years.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Is Humor in the laugh of the beholder?

I tend to think that I am a pretty funny person and have a good sense of humor. I also tend to think that it is perfectly acceptable to laugh at someone when they fall so you draw your own conclusions.

So, my husband and I got into a "discussion" the other day about who was the funnier person in the relationship. We both argued our positions and cited actual funny comments or actions that we each felt confirmed our funniness and were quick to point out the lack of funniness in each others platform. Although we both had strong documented accounts neither of us were willing to back down.

The next day every time I said or did something that evoked a smile, chuckle or audible noise from his mouth I was quick to point out that I am truly the funnier person in the relationship.

So, here is the survey....Are you actually funny if you have to point out to others your funniness? or are you just pathetic?